Thursday, February 21, 2013

Buy Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only Big Discount

Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only is recommended product from amazon. Get more info about Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only reviews from the real buyers. I recommend you to shopping from here at amazon, Amazon is one of the great affiliate programs on the internet, finding the best places to find high quality product is a priority and the buying process is secure guarantee. Would highly recommend to buy Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only to others.
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Rating: 4.5

List Price : $10.00 Price : Click Here for Price Details
Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only

Product Description

Nipple Style waterer had been used on commerce chicken farms for many years there are many good reasons.

The screw in style chicken waterer nipple is a 360 degree swivel nipple that simply screw in to your drilled hole. Works well for PVC pipe style or bucket style DIY waterers . Removable lower parts for easy cleaning or replacement .Will work great on gravity fed , Don't connect directly to a garden hose !! Water nipple work under low pressure ( 6psi or less ) House water pressure can be around 30 to 80 psi, If your nipples is install to PVC / CPVC pipe and want to connect it directly to a garden hose than a water pressure reguator is request ..

Use Drill bit size 11/32 " for PVC , CPVC or any thick plastic

Use Drill bit size 5/16" for thin plastic like water bottle cap .....

Use a little silicone or pipe thread tape to make water tight and screw nipple in.
Manufacturer recommends 1 nipple for every 3 birds.

  • chicken waterer nipple , water nipple , duck

Here is Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only Reviews

Everyone has their own opinion and views on Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only products or items, which they are perfectly entitled to; no matter how strange or different that they may be. Now you can read other reviews about Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only below.

Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
12 Reviews
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Buy it!, December 11, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only (Misc.)
This Waterer Nipples are excellent. No leaks of sort at all.
I used some teflon bounded around the tread with a small amount of silicon RV. I am using a de-icer and I was concerned that the heat could make loose the nipples. The silicon RV is doing an excellent job!
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Came as described, August 27, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only (Misc.)
I received these in the mail and immediately got one set up for my chickens. It took less than a minute for them to understand how it worked. I am elated!!! No more cleaning poop, dirt, food, rocks, and whatever else they manage to get into the old water system out of it. Yeah!! I was a little worried that the threads on the nipples wouldn't be able to screw in (I had seen reviews on some others that were similar that said the threads were not able to be screwed in), but the threads are just fine and it's working great.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars GREAT PRODUCT!, May 9, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Heavy Duty Waterer Nipple Chicken Pack of 5 By CC Only (Misc.)
Love that this keeps the chickens behind away from the water! Works great there!

Only problem I would say is that it likes to dump a lot of water sometimes. We store ours ouside, I guess we'll see when winter comes if it causes a problem.

Great Product, get some!
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