Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece

Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece is recommended product from amazon. Get more info about Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece reviews from the real buyers. I recommend you to shopping from here at amazon, Amazon is one of the great affiliate programs on the internet, finding the best places to find high quality product is a priority and the buying process is secure guarantee. Would highly recommend to buy Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece to others.
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Rating: 4.4

List Price : $7.99 Price : Click Here for Price Details
Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece

Product Description

Royal & Langnickel Essentials graphite sketching set includes all the necessary tools needed to start your art adventure today. This set includes excellent quality graphite pencils, graphite and charcoal sticks, charcoal pencils, woodless graphite pencil, erasers, and sharpener for the pencil artist. This set is an exceptional value; it contains 21 high grade sketching tools packed in a transparent clamshell for storage and organization.

  • Essentials by Royal & Langnickel are the "must have" artist materials to begin exploring your artistic side
  • This set offers a carefully chosen variety of the different sketching tools for the pencil artist
  • Includes 8 graphite pencils (4H, 2H, H, HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B), 3 sketching sticks, 3 charcoal sticks, 3 charcoal pencils, 1 woodless graphite pencil, 1 white eraser, 1 kneadable eraser and 1 sharpener

Here is Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece Reviews

Everyone has their own opinion and views on Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece products or items, which they are perfectly entitled to; no matter how strange or different that they may be. Now you can read other reviews about Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece below.

Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
67 Reviews
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103 of 105 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars There's better. Much Better, August 18, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece (Misc.)
When I first started out doing art, I didn't care so much about quality. I just wanted pencils that did the trick.

Now that I am more experienced in the field, I have noticed that quality matters a lot.

The pencils in this package are very cheaply made. You may ask why this matters so much to a budding artist, or even an intermediate one. Well, you'll be sharpening pencils a lot in art and so you'll want a good sharpener and pencils that sharpen well. These pencils, however, do not sharpen well. You'll use a lot of your energy constantly trying to sharpen these things, when that energy should go towards honing your skills.

The white eraser is a bit too gummy like, a few uses and I already feel the structure beginning to weaken...

The sharpener is OK. But there are better ones (See my list below after review)

The only thing I liked about this kit were the charcoal sticks. I like to sharpen mine with sandpaper and these do produce... Read more
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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Great for a non-professional hobby., November 28, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece (Misc.)
I bought this Late october the 25th or 26th and it showed up as expected. Acually, the first day of the "3-5days" which was a great plus. So, about this product.. I bought this because i'm not a huge professional artist that spends hours drawing and making a living off of it. I like to sketch, draw and cartoon. and this set allows me to do that with multiple tools and pencils. I love the variety and quality of these pencils. Including charcoal not just in pencil but block also, along with graphite bars. really lets me control where things go. I really love the woodless pencil, even though it doesnt keep a good point, (for long) But, i know that in about a year or more i will come back and buy another one when this set gets all used up. Thanks for a great product. I am truely happy with this set.
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13 of 15 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellant for all stages of skill!, May 20, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Royal & Langnickel Essentials Sketching Pencil Set, 21-Piece (Misc.)
This is a great kit, and it is perfect for all levels of skills, I highly recommend it for anyone thinking of buying it. I am glad that I did. I am enjoying using mine.
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